11] Selgerens rettigheter ved kjøperens mislighold

Dersom kjøperen ikke betaler eller oppfyller de øvrige pliktene etter avtalen eller loven, og dette ikke skyldes selgeren eller forhold på selgerens side, kan selgeren i henhold til reglene i forbrukerkjøpsloven kapittel 9 etter omstendighetene holde varen tilbake, kreve oppfyllelse av avtalen, kreve avtalen hevet samt kreve erstatning fra kjøperen. Selgeren vil også etter omstendighetene kunne kreve renter ved forsinket betaling, inkassogebyr og etrimelig gebyr ved uavhentede varer.

• Fulfillment The seller can maintain the purchase and demand that the buyer pays the purchase price. If the goods have not been delivered, the seller loses his right if he waits an unreasonably long time to make the claim.

• Elevation

The seller can terminate the agreement if there is a significant payment default or other significant default on the part of the buyer. The seller cannot withdraw if the entire purchase price has been paid. If the seller sets a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment and the buyer does not pay within this deadline, the seller can cancel the purchase.

• Interest in case of late payment/collection fee

If the buyer does not pay the purchase price in accordance with the agreement, the seller can claim interest on the purchase price in accordance with the Late Interest Act. In the event of non-payment, the claim may, after prior notice, be sent to debt collection. The buyer can then be held liable for fees according to the Debt Collection Act.

• Fee for undelivered non-prepaid goods

If the buyer fails to collect unpaid goods, the seller can charge the buyer a fee. The fee shall at most cover the seller's actual outlay for delivering the goods to the buyer. Such a fee cannot be charged to buyers under the age of 18.


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